The Adventures of Stan and Hollie

This is the ongoing online story of my children Hollie and Stanley, and what they get up to in Birmingham, England - or wherever else they happen to be.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Easter

Hollie wasn't to well today, so she lay on the sofa most of the day watching 'Nanny McPhee' & Harry Potter 2.

Stanley,on the other hand, had his 1st opportunity to watch 'King Kong', and despite its lengthy running time, he was transfixed once the action moved to Skull Island.

Typical Hollywood that they got the name of one dinosaur wrong - it should be Apatosaurus, not Brontosaurus. Still in a dinosaur monster fest like this, its hard to complain.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Birmingham 0 Chelsea 0

Ok, so not the best game, but a hard fought game and a deserved result for Birmingham City.

This was the first Premier League game Stan & Hollie have been to. Hollie enjoyed it, but Stan fell asleep 10 minutes the end. Surrounding supporters thought it was hilarious, and was probably the most fun they had had all season!

They both came away with Blues scarves, so hopefully that will mean they will stay Bluenoses forever.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Myself and the kids went to see the movie yesterday. It was fun. Would recommend to anyone. Enjoy.


This is my boy, Stanley, aged 3. Anything he doesn't know about dinosaurs is probably not worth knowing. He is funny, crazy, loving, moany. Not into sport yet, but its only a matter of time...


This is my daughter Hollie, aged 8. Beautiful child, kind polite, intelligent, funny, fashionable and the most fabulous blonde hair your ever likely to see.

The Wall Says It All...

Here are Stan & Hollie on the last day of their holiday, August 2005, in - yes, you guessed it - Donegal. Posted by Picasa